The team presented our SLI project, vehicle and payload at the 2011 Rockets for Schools contest. Their website can be visited at: Philip and Anatole also made a presentation about SLI and the experience in Huntsville.
In this picture Philip and Holly are answering a question asked by the middle schooler.
Launch successful with an altitude of 5749 feet! The rocket came down beautifully without any problems!
Here's the first batch of Huntsville pictures!
Checking in at the hotel.
Preparing the altimeter bay.
Preparing the parachutes.
Team picture!
Waiting for the shuttle bus at the Space Exploration Center.
Talking to a student at the science fair.
Explaining to different people at the science fair.
Team picture!
Aft end of rocket ejecting.
Sanding the nosecone.
Planning the avionics bay.
Epoxying the centering ring to the motor tube.
Here is a photo of our Scale Rocket launching. Thank you Mr. Olp!
Finished painting the scale rocket!